Give Your Feedback 1. Why did you join WAJIBA? Chose all that apply a. Promote my businessb. Community involvementc. I like to eat BBQ once a monthd. Other (elaborate)Elaborate0 / 1802. How could WAJIBA benefit you and your business? Chose all that apply a. Business Networkingb. Business development training/skillsc. Community involvementd. Other (elaborate)Elaborate0 / 1803. What would you like to see or do at a WAJIBA meeting? Chose all that apply a. Less structured meetingsb. Business development/trainingc. Leave it as isd. Other (elaborate)Elaborate0 / 1804. Do you feel like WAJIBA connects you to the West Ashley/James Island business community? 5. How can we increase our membership and grow to be able to assert our influence in the WA/JI community?0 / 1806. Comments (likes, dislikes, improvement ideas, etc.)0 / 180Send Message