
Integral to Charleston’s history, West Ashley and James Island deeply value the natural beauty and strong community for which Charleston is known

Civic Engagement

Gain access to local government officials. Voice your opinion on ways to ensure West Ashley and James Island are great places to live and work.


Together we can make a difference within our community.

Local Concerns

WAJIBA offers business leaders the opportunity to share key insight into the accomplishments and challenges facing the West Ashley and James Island Communities

Social Events

Network with members in a casual environment to build meaningful connections

As leaders in the promotion and enhancement of the West Ashley/James Island business community, WAJIBA provides members with information, advocacy, education, and networking based on a foundation of integrity, social responsibility, and excellence.


Our Next Lunch Meeting (RESCHELUED)

January 29, 2025
11:30 am – 1:00 pm

Bessingers BBQ
Savannah Highway

Free for all WAJIBA Members | $30 for Non-Members | Lunch Buffet

Single Meeting Payment for Non-Members or Guests


2025 Program Plan

Legacy Businesses

NEW DATE January 29 – Elizabeth Darby, Wonder Works

February 26 Steve Potts, Scout Boats

March 26 Rod Lapin, Ye Ole Fashioned Ice Cream Parlor

April 23 (speaker to be announced)

May 28 (speaker to be announced)

June 25 (speaker to be announced)

The West Ashley/James Island Business Association Story

The West Ashley-James Island Business Association (WAJIBA) was founded by a small group of civic-minded businessmen and women from the West Ashley and James Island communities of Charleston. Seeing great change on the horizon for their parts of town, WAJIBA founders began organizing the group as a way to help usher in this change in a way that would not only be positive for the local business community, but for the greater community as a whole.

More than a networking group, WAJIBA was founded as a group where business professionals and community stakeholders could come together and help share ideas and plan for a better West Ashley and James Island.

In March of 2011, WAJIBA held it’s inaugural meeting at Jason’s Deli on Savannah Highway. City of Charleston’s then-Mayor Joseph P. Riley Jr. was the guest speaker. Many attended the event, not only to hear the mayor’s vision for the area west of the Ashley River, but to see what this new business group was all about.

Over the next several years, WAJIBA continued to grow its membership and continued to offer engaging and informative programs, ranging from major highway and development issues to lighter topics the “Business of Barbecue” and the “Business of Beer.”

After changing from meeting for breakfast in Founder’s Hall at Charles Towne Landing to a lunch meeting at the top of the Holiday Inn Riverview (aka The Round Holiday Inn), WAJIBA now meets on the banquet side of long-time West Ashley restaurant Bessinger’s BBQ. Besides the informative programs, business networking, and comradery, there’s also a delicious barbecue buffet offered at every meeting.

Beyond its regular monthly meetings, there is also a social element to the group. WAJIBA has met at the West Ashley Farmer’s Market, held oyster roasts, hosted happy hours, and even created an Oktoberfest-themed event at a local brewery.

As a non-profit, WAJIBA has also given back to the community, donating thousands of dollars to local charities, including the Charles Webb House, Big Brothers Big Sisters – Carolina Youth Development Center, YEScarolina, the Charleston Basket Brigade, as well as the West Ashley High School’s DECA program. WAJIBA has also given thousands of dollars in scholarships to local students.

While its board of directors and meeting times have changed over the years, WAJIBA’s mission has remained the same:  “As leaders in the promotion and enhancement of the West Ashley/James Island business community, WAJIBA provides members with information, advocacy, education, and networking opportunities based on a foundation of integrity, social responsibility, and excellence.”